Start with promenading at its best then add others by order of their impact


Promenade with historic boats and restaurants

Only historic boats are allowed to berth on the promenade part of Stockholm's waterfront, meaning that it is always a visual delight.

Takeaway: Connect with other destinations

Stockholm's waterfront is full of restaurants and is uniquely well-connected, with esplanades leading to other beloved public spaces like the Kungsträdgården.

Stockholm's Durgarten Grunalund Amusement Park is also situated right along the water and provides a high-energy activity hub.

Benchmark: San Francisco, California

San Francisco's waterfront sits along the entire city that is very deep and has developed a series of piers and a strong waterfront promenade. These connect with strong inland activity centers that connect into neighborhoods. Altogether, this gives nearby neighborhoods opportunities to engage with and build off of the historic waterfront: a distinction that few other waterfronts have.

Pier 39

San Francisco's Pier 39 has an abundance of activity, ranging from its aquarium to a carousel, whale tours to encounters with local sea lions.

Connecting with nearby neighborhoods

The activities taking place along the water in San Francisco reach up into the neighborhoods, showing a remarkable sense of connectedness.

Benchmark: London's South Bank

Clusters of food trucks and destinations like Gabriel's Wharf and Borough Market make London's South Bank a uniquely exciting destination.

Gabriel's Wharf

Incubation Hub for Small Businesses

Because of its support for small businesses, Gabriel's Wharf is a dynamic spot, filled with artists and independent clothing artisans. It is also right nearby to a line of international food trucks, which link up to create an exciting space.

Food Truck Market

Borough Market

Borough Market is a delight for the senses, and has been for centuries. Along the South Bank Waterfront in London, this is the place to be if you're looking for fresh food. The market is well-connected and boasts a mix of indoor and outdoor spaces (inside the Market Hall and out). Borough Market is one of the most visited destinations in London, and a major attraction along the South Bank.

Intensity of Engagement between people and products is intense

Miami Beach, Florida

With Art Deco buildings lining Ocean Drive on one side, and a park and extensive beach on the other, streets in Miami Beach are not about traffic, but about experiencing the "show" and enjoying the sights. Most buildings have porches to view the passing throngs of visitors.

Paris Plage - New Waterfront Destination

The Paris Plage has quickly become the world's best waterfront through "Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper", program driven activations

In 2002, Paris initiated a project called the Paris Plage on the Right Bank of the Seine River. Since then, its chain of open-air activities and beach-like spaces has only grown, extending to the Left Bank, and stretching from the Musee D'Orsay South toward the Eiffel Tower in what became called Les Berges.

In this case, Paris went beyond anyone's expectations by redistributing street space on the high-speed roads that once ran along the Seine on two levels (6 to 8 lanes of traffic). This space was repurposed into wider sidewalks and bike lanes. It is one of the most miraculous public space transformations we have ever seen.

Takeaway: Iconic Places

The Paris Plage is a series of destinations that all focus on creating an iconic place, not on fancy designs. A sandy beach and pop-up restaurants changed the whole feel of the Seine—at first during the summer months, but now all year thanks to a permanent promenade and play areas. Numerous family-friendly activities today make the river seem like a zipper, uniting the Left and Right Banks.

The Entire Waterfront on both sides of the Seine are Multi-Use Destinations

In Paris, a series of mini-destinations along the Seine, each with their own distinct identity, gives people a reason to stay, play, and recreate. The Paris Plage enhances social life through smart use and placement of seating, cafes, public art, games, and shade. It also has a feeling of inclusiveness, in which everyone has a sense of ownership.

Pop-Up Waterside Restaurants

Up and down the river from Notre Dame Cathedral, the riverfront has been animated by seasonal restaurants, cafes, and bars that keep the festivities going into the early hours of the morning. The cafe structures are relatively simple to construct and afford ample opportunity for people to stop and engage in the social scene.

Public Art is a major Attraction

Paris's use of public art creates opportunities for surprise, creative engagement, and new uses of previously empty public spaces. Interactive pieces like a giant chalkboard also encourage everyone to participate in the collective co-creation of the space.

Seating is Everywhere

Put a good bench in a public space, and people will find unique ways to sit, lay, nap, sunbathe, and chat on it. The benches along the Paris waterfront are not only well-placed, but also feature interesting designs, which encourage creative uses and accommodate many people.

Seating is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to activate a space and is one of the most clear-cut ways to follow Paris's lead. It always helps when there are activities, sights, and people to look at while sitting down.

Waterfront Public Space Serve that Everyone

Paris has done a wonderful job of extending its waterfront activations (e.g. at Basin de la Villette) from the city center to outlying neighborhoods, a process made possible with active waterfronts that connect to the Seine. How? By focusing on activities that attract people of all ages and backgrounds: swimming, water sports, dancing, table games, and of course, great seating.

The riverfront revival is now spreading to Canal St-Martin, a 3-mile waterway in the north of the city that connects to the Seine.

Led by Programming and Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper

The Paris waterfront was empty until recently; its current popularity made possible through a series of "lighter, quicker, cheaper" interventions. These interventions include things like pop-ups, which were brought into the space on an incredibly quick timeline. It has brought together both the Right and Left Banks, helping them to connect rather than letting the river become a divider.

Porto's Historic Old Town:

Inspiration for Doing Density Right

Take Me to the River...every street in Porto's old town leads to the waterfront

Porto, Portugal's second largest city, straddles the Douro River near where it merges into the Atlantic Ocean. The waterfront is gloriously historic. It's easy to imagine what life was like here 150 years ago. The sheer pleasure that arises strolling these streets explains why Porto has become a pilgrimage site for city-loving travelers.

Porto, circa 1833. One observer noted that the city hosted "an unusually large number of squares, piazzas and other open spaces"

Porto's riverfront fosters activity all year around. Streets cascade down from hilltops to the riverside promenade, which is fronted by cafes, shops and public seating that encourages people to to linger. This district is recognized internationally for bustling public spaces that stretch over a wide geographical footprint, enlivened by three entry points funneling people into every section of the promenade. The rich interplay of all these elements adds up to one of the world's top waterfronts.

Urbanism 101: Porto's waterfront achieves appealing, human-scaled density without skyscrapers.

A Summary of Takeaways:

The overall idea/finding is that programmed spaces far excel in creating the activity that draws people from every walk of life.

  • Connect with nearby neighborhoods
  • Make room to incubate businesses
  • Iterate and Experiment
  • Create iconic places
  • Focus on multi-use destinations
  • Bring in pop-up restaurants and cafes
  • Incorporate public art
  • Create seating for people
  • Make the space serve everyone
  • Think Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper
  • Make room to incubate businesses
  • Think Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper
  • Connect with other destinations
  • Build on the success of other key public spaces and destinations in San Diego

Other Resources for Waterfronts:

Discussion: Waterfront Promenades
Is this an old draft of an article we’ve posted? Stockholm Promenade with historic boats and restaurants Only historic boats are allowed to berth on the promenade part of Stockholm’s waterfront, meaning that it is always a visual delight. Takeaway: Connect with other destinations Stockholm’s waterfront is full of restaurants
Pop-up Restaurants on the Waterfront: Six Cities that Do it Well
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To read more about a hidden gem waterfront in Italy, read our article:

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A regular stroll through town is not just fun—it also boosts our sense of community
A Great European Waterfront Few People Know About
Otranto— a town of 6000 on the Adriatic Sea—features harborside streets alive with walkers

The Best and Worst of Waterfronts around the world

Paris, the World’s Best Waterfront
Paris Plage challenges the idea of iconic design as a way for cities to show off. Instead centering the creation of iconic places, Paris Plage sets a high standard for other cities to emulate.
Three Iconic Waterfronts—Two of World’s Best, and One that Fails Miserably
What Brooklyn (and everywhere else) can learn from Paris and Porto, Portugal

Two that Miss the mark

Vancouver Community Discussion: Has Vancouver lost its Soul? Can they Create the Waterfront they Deserve?
Vancouver is no longer a small city along the west coast of North America. It has the highest population density in Canada. Two questions: Has it lost its soul? Can it create the great waterfront a great city deserves?
Creating the Waterfront San Diego Needs
San Diego’s central waterfront could be one of the best waterfronts in the world. But it will take some work. The good news is that its transformation can be started immediately, with publicly owned land along the existing waterfront – from streets to under-used open spaces!

Who we are - What we stand for. What is the Future we Want and Need

Discussion: Next Steps for the Global Placemaking Movement
Imagine if the places where we live were shaped for, and from, our social lives, re-imagined to make it easy for us to gather, shop, have fun, eat together, and be around people different from us. we would collectively have an impact on the health of our planet.
The mission of the Social Life Project is to incite a renaissance of community connection in public spaces around the globe. Through our online publication, presentations, campaigns, and catalytic projects, we can create transformative impact on communities everywhere. Our work grows out of more than 50 years devoted to building the global placemaking movement. It is an initiative of the Placemaking Fund, along with PlacemakingX — a global network of leaders who together accelerate placemaking as a way to create healthy, inclusive, and beloved communities. We gladly accept donations to advance our work.
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